7:00 pm August 25, 2023 to
12:00 pm August 27, 2023
The Neuroscience and Spirituality of Self-Compassion: Caring for Ourselves in Unsettling Times
with Anne Kertz Kernion

Our retreat will
draw upon recent findings in neuroscience and psychology, illuminating
self-care and spiritual practices that nurture gentleness, kindness and
patience towards ourselves. These practices help us manage grief, uncertainty,
and daily challenges. Far from being self-centered or selfish, we can generate
deeper care for ourselves, thereby enhancing our relationships and our ability
to attend to others. Helpful tips and exercises on how to practice
Self-Compassion will be included throughout the retreat. You'll also discover
that being compassionate towards ourselves helps reduce stress and inflammation
while slowing aging in our cells and our brains.
Schedule for virtual option:
7:00 pm, Friday, August 25
9:15 am to noon, Saturday, August 26
6:30 pm to 7:45 pm, Saturday, August 26
9:00 am to 11:00 am, Sunday, August 27

Anne Kertz Kernion has a BS in Environmental Engineering, Penn State University, 1981; an MA in Theology, Duquesne University, 1990; a Certificate in the Science of Happiness, University of California, Berkeley, 2017; Graduate certificate in Positive Psychology, University of Missouri, 2020. Anne is the owner/artist of Cards by Anne, an inspirational greeting card company founded in 1986. Anne's cards, hand-designed in calligraphy and ink, are available online (cardsbyanne.com) and in stores throughout the US, England, and Australia. For fourteen years, Anne taught “Cross-Cultural Understanding of Religious Meaning” at Carlow University; for seven years, she taught courses ranging from Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Nutrition, to World Religions and Ethics at a local community college. Her recent book, “Spiritual Practices for the Brain: Caring for Mind, Body and Soul," was published by Loyola Press in late 2020 and has won numerous awards for the integration of health and spirituality. Her first book, "A Year of Spiritual Companionship" was published by SkyLight Paths in 2016. Currently, Anne is a frequent lecturer and retreat leader, presenting topics that combine neuroscience, positive psychology, and spirituality to groups across the US and Australia. A former Division 1 athlete, Anne teaches a weekly yoga class and enjoys biking and hiking. She and her husband Jack have three grown children and six grandchildren.
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You may:
• click the "Register" link located at the bottom of this page
• call 724-964-8886 to speak with a member of our friendly staff
• complete and mail a printable registration form along with your payment to:
Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center
2067 Evergreen Road
P.O. Box 424
Villa Maria, PA 16155
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