Spiritual Direction Formation Program

VMESC offers a three-year formation program in spiritual direction. This program is designed to accommodate those who cannot afford the time for a lengthy residential program, yet desire time to explore the dimensions of this ministry and to discern their call to the ministry of spiritual direction. In addition to a one week resident stay, each of the three years participants are asked to write four short reflection papers each year and participate in experiences which are part of the spiritual direction ministry. This program hopes to provide the space, time and structure where the Spirit can deepen and fine-tune the gifts of the candidates.

Spiritual Direction Sessions

Spiritual Direction provides an opportunity to reflect, in a prayerful context, on one’s life in relationship with self, others, and God. The focus of spiritual direction is primarily on relationship with God in prayer and in the ordinary events of daily life. Many people meet with their spiritual director on a monthly basis; however, the frequency of meeting is decided mutually between the director and the directee. A donation of $25-$40 per session is suggested. However, if this amount is not appropriate for your current financial situation, other arrangements can be made.

Personal Retreats

Spiritual Direction can be arranged during Personal Retreats for an additional fee. Personal retreats can be scheduled throughout the year for any length of time. You may view our Personal Retreat brochure by clicking here. To schedule your personal retreat with or without spiritual direction, please call 724-964-8886.

Sister sitting in room

Statue with flowers

St. Francis statue with bush